
How to Display Reviews in Masonry Layout?

Presenting reviews in a masonry layout offers a visually appealing and dynamic way to showcase customer feedback on your website. In this guide, we’ll explore how to implement a masonry layout for reviews, creating an engaging user experience that highlights the credibility and authenticity of your products or services. Video version: Step 1: Choose a […]


How to Encourage Photo Reviews with Coupons?

Incorporating photo reviews into your WooCommerce store adds an extra layer of authenticity and trust for potential customers. By incentivizing customers to leave photo reviews with coupons, you not only enhance the credibility of your products but also foster loyalty and engagement. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively encourage photo reviews with coupons […]


How to Reward Customers with Coupons after Reviews?

Rewarding customers with coupons in exchange for reviews is a powerful strategy to encourage feedback and foster loyalty. By implementing this approach, you not only incentivize customers to share their opinions but also create an incentive for repeat purchases. In this guide, we’ll explore how to seamlessly reward customers with coupons after leaving reviews in […]


How to Collect Reviews in WooCommerce?

Customer reviews play a crucial role in building credibility and trust in your WooCommerce store. By collecting reviews, you not only engage with your customers but also gain valuable insights to enhance your products and services. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively collect reviews in WooCommerce, fostering a thriving online community. Video version: […]

WooCommerce WordPress Plugins

How to Display WooCommerce Reviews Outside of Tabs

WooCommerce reviews are a valuable asset for boosting trust and making informed buying decisions. By default, these reviews are often tucked away in tabs on product pages. In this guide, we’ll explore how to prominently display WooCommerce reviews outside of tabs, making them more accessible to your customers. Step 1: Remove the “Reviews” Tab By […]

WooCommerce WordPress WordPress Plugins

How to Approve Reviews in WooCommerce?

Hey there, eCommerce enthusiasts, and future online store champions! Ensuring that only genuine and appropriate reviews are displayed on your WooCommerce store is essential for maintaining credibility and trust. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of approving reviews in WooCommerce. Let’s get started! Step 1: Enable Moderation of Reviews Before you can […]

WooCommerce WordPress WordPress Plugins

How to Remove Dates from Reviews in WooCommerce?

Customer reviews provide important information to potential buyers in your WooCommerce store. However, displaying dates next to reviews may not always be necessary or desirable. In this article, we will show how you can easily remove dates from reviews, allowing your visitors to focus on the content of the reviews themselves. Let’s get started. Basics […]